Sunday, January 26, 2020

Black Panthers: The Struggle

Black Panthers: The Struggle In one word, the Black Panthers would be described as radical. They took the civil rights movement to a whole new level. The Black Panther Party also took the meaning of self- defense to new heights. The Black panthers stood for freedom, equal rights, better health care, decent housing and education, but most of all putting an end to police brutality. According to the article History of the black panthers the panthers are know for being the most powerful for social change since the Revolution of 1776 and the Civil War. The Black Panther Party (BPP) knew it would be a tough road to travel, but they knew they had to fight for what was right. The panthers endured countless attacks from their own community law enforcement, and higher power attacks From FBI leader, J. Edgar Hoover. Some of the Panthers even put their lives on the line for the movement. Some say that the Black Panthers failed as a group, but they did succeed, they succeeded in giving the black community hope and letting th em know that you have to stand up for what you believe in. Two Law students by the names of Bobby Seale and Huey Newton decided to start a civil rights group with a little more aggressive in your face style. This Group would be called The Black Panther Party. Their original goal and vision was to stop police brutality in the black community, and serve the needs of black oppressed people (Baggins). The group was Established in Oakland California in 1966(Baggins). According to the article History of the black Panthers The panthers put in place The Ten Point Program. The Ten Point program emphasized what the panthers were wanted to change and what they where fighting for. It consisted of these demands, We Want freedom. We want the power to determine, We want full Employment for our people, We want an end to the robbery by the capitalists of our black community, We want decent housing fit for the shelter of human beings, we want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society, we want all black men to be exempt from military service, we want an immediate end to police brutality, and murder of black people, we want freedom for all black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails, we want all black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peers or people from their black communities, as defined by the constitution of the United States, and finally we want land, bread, housing, education, clothing , justice ,and peace. Unlike Dr. King and his influence Mahatma Gandhi which choose a non-violent approach, the panthers went in a totally different direction. Influenced by the late Malcolm X the panthers took a very aggressive and radical approach (May Pg.1 Interview). The Panthers brought an entirely new tempo to the civil rights movement in the 60s and early 70s. They made it known early that they were very serious and wouldnt take no for and answer. On April 25, 1967 the first issue of The Black Panthers the partys official news organ goes into distribution. (Baggins) The growth of the Panther Party really grew during the 60s. When Huey Newton went to jail in the late 60s there was an enormous growth in the party. The Black Panther party eventually spread to 25 major U.S. cities Nationwide. Through the existence of the Panthers were known for getting in their share of trouble. In 19 67 Leader Huey Newton was charged for killing a policeman, which started the Free Huey Movement which gave the party a lot of attention. (Black panther party) Also in 1970, in New York 21 Panthers were charged with plotting to assassinate police officers. (The Shadow of the Panther) Later another leader of the Panther Party would once again get in trouble. Elgridge Cleaver was charged with a murder and Fled to Cuba with his wife. (Black Panther Party) During the time that the Black Panthers were prominent in the Black Power Movement FBI leader J.Edgar Hoover kept a very close eye on them. J. Edgar Hoover stated that the black panthers were the greatest threat to the internal security of the country. (Baggins) Soon Hoover would begin a program called (Cointelpro) Counter Intelligence program to break up spreading unity of revolutionary groups that begun solidifying through the work and example of the Panthers. (The Shadow of the Panthers) In November 68 Hoover ordered FBI offices to exploit all avenues of greating Dissension within the Black Panther Party. (Baggins) In secret The FBI eventually spent millions of dollars trying to destroy the Panthers. (Black Panther Party) The media would also go against the BPP by labeling them anti-white, for many white U.S. citizens the Panthers Symbolized terror. (Black Panther Party) During the movement everyone wanted to stop the Panthers, but they knew if they gave up they were giving up the ir right to freedom. From the beginning of the BPP the FBI and Law enforcement wanted to put an end to it, but the Black Panthers wont give up without a fight. In the late 60s the Panthers became violent and became involved in a series of violent confrontations with the police, resulting with deaths on both sides. (Black Panther Party) The series of killings started with young 17 year-old Bobby Hutton who was shot 12 times after surrendering to the police. This was just a taste of what the BPP would encounter in 1969. On December 4th, 1969 at 4:00AM in the morning, thanks to FBI informant Chicago Police raided the Panthers Chicago apartment murdering Fred Hampton. Who was apparently sleep in the bed and Mark Clark who was sleep in the living room chair was also executed. Also murdered was Hamptons wife carrying their eight month year-old child. Hampton was shot twice in the head and once in the shoulder and arm. Four Panthers escaped wounded and were charged with attempted murder of police officers and aggravated assault. Not one single cop spent a moment in jail for the executions. (Black Panther Party) After the series of executions in the early 70s the Panthers started to steadily decline due to legal problems and internal conflicts, the Panther party began to loose their edge. (Black Panther Party) In early 1972 Newton and Seale announced their attention of abandoning violent methods. (Black Panther Party) Later in 1972 police and FBI harassment took a toll on the Panthers and they collapsed. (Black Panther Party) Finally In 1974 Newton and Seale left the Black Panthers for good. After Life with the Black Panthers the leaders went on totally different journeys. Bobby Seale ran for mayor of Oakland, California in 1973 and got second. (War against the Panthers). Unfortunately Huey Newton fell victim to drugs and became very dependent. He called it reactionary suicide. (Black Panther Party) After the Panther end in 1977 the movement nearly expired. The Panthers will always be known for being the most powerful group for social change in America since the Revolution of 1776 and the Civil War. (What was the Black Party?) The Black Panther Party was also the first organization in the United States history to militantly struggle for ethnic minority. (What was The Black Panther Party?) Most of all The Black Panthers brought the aggression that fueled the Black Power Movement. They brought a very radical attitude to the movement that no one had every seen or expected. These days Bobby Seale has become a public speaker and community liaison on behalf of Temple University.(Black Panther Party) After a murder charge Eldrige Cleaver Fled to Cuba where he continued to argue African Americans on revolution until his death in 1998. (Black Panther Party) Founder Huey Newton was fatally shot three times in the face over a drug dispute, on August 22, 1989. His Last words were You can kill my body but you can never kill my soul, my soul will live forever! (Black Panther Party) In 1993 The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation was founded in honor of Newton.(What is the black Panther party) The Black Panther Party gave the black communities in the 60s and 70s hope. They made the black community realize that they were somebody and that they did count. The BPP was rock of the Black Power Movement and will always be remembered for their efforts. Sometimes to get rid of the gun, you have to pick up the gun- Huey Newton. Work Cited. Black Panthers The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2008. Retrieved November 11, 2010 from web. Baggins, Brian. History of the Black Panther Party. Marxists Internet Archive (, 2002. Retrieved on (todays date). URL: web. Overview of the panthers Black Panther web. Histoty of the panther. Interview: Travis May Persona Grandfather. What is The black Panther Party? web. Legacy of the panthers. War against the web. The Panthers struggle.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Practicum Evaluation Summary Essay

The practicum learning agreement created between the masters of Science in nursing (MSN) student and the instructor was approved for the goal to perform in the role of a nurse educator at the Domiciliary Rehabilitation Program at the Orlando Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC). The population of the Domiciliary Residential Rehabilitation Program is veterans with multiple and severe medical conditions, mental illness, addiction, or psychosocial deficits. Military-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can negatively affect the veteran’s well-being (Health Services Administration, 2010). The care needs of the nursing staff were assessed to identify the need for the educational program in the rehabilitation program. Further development, implementation and evaluation of a program to improve the veteran’s quality-of-life were the objectives to provide the best outcomes of a teaching/learning program. The learning agreement included the strategies to accomplish the objective with an established time-line and self-reflective journal to meet the best outcomes. Professional relationships were established with a mentor and networking with the organization improved professional advancement capabilities at the Orlando VAMC. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project produced positive outcomes to improve the veterans’ quality of life. The role of a leader used evidence-based decision-making and applied ethical standards. The importance of nursing theory provided the principles to generate nursing knowledge and create practices to help the veterans who are affected by PTSD. The practicum experience enhanced the role as a nurse educator to improve cost-effective nursing practices for the veterans at the VA Medical Center. Effectiveness of Project The project began with an idea using a practicum project brainstorm worksheet (Appendix A). The learning objectives were established, and a timeline was used to maintain a deadline for completion (Appendix B). Each learning objective used Bloom’s taxonomy for three learning domains: cognitive/knowledge (mental learning), affective/attitudes (growing feeling learning) and psychomotor skills (manual/physical learning) (DeYoung, 2009). The first learning objective analyzed peer-reviewed literature and evidence-based research to identify the disease process and formulation of  best practices (Burns & Groves, 2009). An extensive reference base was conducted and used to draft a needs assessment that was discussed with the mentor, mental health team, nurse manager, and educator (T. Russell, H. Ortiz, D. Hopson, personal communication, Summer, 2013). Their experienced feedback was practical in completing an effective outcome to the objective. The next learning objective was to design the educational program using a PowerPoint presentation, hand-outs, knowledge test, and final evaluation. A teaching plan guideline with learning objectives followed Veteran Affairs Health Administration procedures for quality and performance (Orlando VAMC, 2013). A summary of the program was presented and approved by administration. Implementation of the learning program was coordinated with approval of management. A flyer was created to announce the class dates and times. All three shifts on the rehabilitation department were provided a verbal pre-test and lectured on the topic. Many opportunities for open-discussion helped the staff explore their own beliefs and experiences to improve their knowledge and skills. The post-tests were scored and found a positive correlation to learning and accomplishing the program objectives. The VAMC evaluation tool was used to score the course and instructor. Self-reflective journaling helped to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program and teaching techniques used. The results were shared with the mentor who provided encouragement to learn from the experience and build knowledge of performing as an educator. The outcomes of implementing the teaching program was completed and found to be successful in improving nursing knowledge by providing evidence-based practice to enhance the veteran’s well-being. A final evaluation of the practicum learning used the Orlando VAMC evaluation form. The teaching program method was appropriate for learners. A detailed reflective analysis in the portfolio included results from a final meeting with the mentor, administration, mental health team, and educator. All favored the educational program to improve nursing standards of care for veterans with PTSD in the rehabilitation program. Encouragement to expand the teaching to nursing staff on all mental health departments and in the orientation program for newly hired nursing personnel was made by the mental  health chief nurse. The outcome had few strength and weaknesses in which to learn from. The weaknesses are personal areas of improvement that can be enhanced with continued experience as an educator, optional training aids available at the VAMC and continued evaluations for improvement. Another weakness of the project was the small learning experience as compared to the nursing population at the VAMC. MSN Program Student Learning Outcomes A quality assessment process from up-to-date journal reviews can provide the decision-making for new interventions in patient care. Evidence-based decision-making requires the integration of the best available research evidence addressing specific clinical questions (Kranke, 2010). A systematic review of literature was pooled to obtain data about PTSD issues. Prepared health professionals use evidence to inform safe practice and account for positive patient care outcomes are the aim for delivery of health care. Competence, education and skills play a critical role in achieving safe patient care in a complex health care system. Nursing professionals have the role to ensure the translation of evidence into practice while evaluating outcomes. The demand for improved patient care and a safe health care delivery system is taught at the University of Phoenix and the Veterans Health Administration. Nurses have a direct effect on patient care outcomes and quality (McLaughlin & Kaluzny, 2006) . Influencing change is essential in any organization and a good change agent is required as a leader (Tomey, 2009). Analyzing and identifying the need to implement an educational course to teach nursing staff how to better care for veterans with PTSD requires the collection of data, using the right tools, preparing objectives, and evaluating the process of change. Advance nursing education has helped to gain the skills to diagnose and plan positive change to improve patient care outcomes. The principles of successful leadership are important in affecting change. Leadership skills are necessary to drive and maintain change. Views on diversity can bring change to programs. Veterans bring their own set of beliefs and values to a diverse and multicultural environment. Providing relevant care is important for nurses to understand their own beliefs, culture and values as well as understanding the veteran’s views. Their rights to confidentiality and privacy are trusted by patients to be maintained by medical personnel. A code of ethics, moral philosophies and  effective communication is learned in advance nursing education to help guide the decisions in meeting patient care needs (Burkhards & Nathaniel, 2008). Theory provides the framework to structure and builds knowledge (Walker & Avant, 2005). Models can help to link research, education and practice. The change process is complex. Nursing practice theories provide the framework for interventions and prediction of outcomes. Theories can guide practices in nursing that focus on the difference and similarities in respect to human care. Nursing theory provides the foundation to assess, evaluate and plan interventions. A theoretical perspective can help to meet the challenges of health care delivery and provide guidelines for nursing practices (Fitzpatrick & Whall, 2005). Nursing theory is essential in nursing research, education, practice, and development. Nursing theory helps to decide what is known and what needs to be known. The benefits include better patient care, enhanced professional status, improved communication, and guidance for research and education. Because care cannot be measured, theory can analyze it. Nursing models and theo ry are beneficial to the nursing practice. Development of Professional Nursing Career The project provided the opportunity to perform as a nurse educator and gain experience for advancement in this specialty. Involvement with nurse administrators, the mental health team, the nurse educators, and adjunct staff provided valuable opportunities to network. My work on the practicum project has advanced to expanding the program I created and the formal invite to join the mental health and rehabilitation team. The educational program has also advanced best practices of nursing personnel to perform with higher knowledge and skills. Years of nursing experience, expertise knowledge in mental health and gerontological nursing and the learning experience gained from the practicum project exposed me to knowledge and skills to take responsibility in leadership and advance my nursing career to a management level in the near future. Conclusion The practicum project was a success in improving patient care for veterans who have PTSD at the rehabilitation program. The experience from achieving personal learning objectives was a rewarding experience. Performing as a  nurse educator using evidence-based decision-making in creating and implementing a program at the Orlando VAMC was evaluated as effective and safe in teaching best practices. Leading and advocating for ethical principles, addressing diversity and applying theory contributed to full development of my professional nursing career. The practicum experience has provided the knowledge, skills and experience to further advance my career in professional nursing. References Burkhards, M.A., Nathaniel, A.K. (2008). Ethics & Issues in contemporary nursing (3rd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar. Burns, N., & Groves, S. K. (2009). The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. DeYoung, S. (2009). Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Fitzpatrick, J. J., & Whall, A. (2005). Conceptual Models of Nursing: Analyisis and application (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Health Services Administration. (2010, November). Veterans have unique needs: VA program to be specific to vets. Mental Health Management Advisor, 15(11), 126-128. Retrieved from CINAHL database Kranke, P. (2010, September). Evidence-based practice: how to perform and use systematic reviews for clinical decision-making, 27(9), 763-772. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0b013e32833a560a McLaughlin, C. P., & Kaluzny, A. D. (2006). Quality improvement in healthcare (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.. []. doi: Retrieved from Orlando VAMC. (2011, January 22). Quality management sy stem (Medical Center Policy 00Q-12). Orlando, FL: VA Medical Center. Tomey, M. (2009). Guide to nursing management and leadership (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Walker, L., & Avant, K. (2005,). Strategies for Theory Constructions in Nursing, (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Appendix Practicum Project Brainstorm Worksheet This worksheet must be completed prior to the first class meeting for NUR/590A. Identify a goal for the practicum project and more than one potential project idea. Practicum Goals: To perform in the role of nursing educator at the Orlando Veteran’s Administration (VA) Domiciliary (Rehabilitation) Program by assessing and identifying learning needs of nursing staff related to assessment of, and caring for, veterans with military-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To develop, implement and evaluate a nursing educational program for nursing staff that will address these learning needs and hopefully improve quality of life for these veterans and their families. Description of Project Potential Mentor and AgencyDraft Objectives (completed in Week One class) Project Idea # 1 PowerPoint presentation and lecture Create a program to educate nursing staff to learn and understand how to care for veterans with PTSD at the rehabilitation center using classroom lecture with PowerPoint presentation for all shifts.Michele Reed, JD,MSN,RN Orlando VAMC-Conduct a review of literature to use evidence-based nursing practices -Design a teaching/learning plan using a PowerPoint presentation, handout and test -Implement the program to the nursing staff at the Rehabilitation Center -Evaluate the teaching/learning program and practicum experience Project Idea #2 Self-learning guide and test Create a program to educate nursing staff to learn and understand how to care for veterans with PTSD by developing a self-learning guide to PTSD care for veterans at the rehabilitation program.Michele Reed, JD,MSN,RN Orlando VAMC(Same as listed above)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Teenage Pregnancy And The Decline Of Education - 2472 Words

Teenage Pregnancy and the Decline in Education Raven Burton, Emani Mitchell Albany State University Table of Contents Teenage Pregnancy and the Decline in Education I. Abstract II. Introduction III. Annotated Bibliography IV. Reference Page Abstract This paper investigates the correlation between teenage pregnancy and the decline in education. Teenage pregnancy is a growing epidemic an also looked at as a social issue. Those who give birth during teenage years tend to be at higher risks for poverty, lower education level, and depend on the government system for help. Declination in education can be the leading cause to many adverse situations and future consequences for these teen parents. Lower education or†¦show more content†¦They also state that there was 9.4 billion dollars spent on child bearing in 2014.Also the National Campaign states that the rates have declined since the peak of teen pregnancy in 1991.The leading race in teenage pregnancy statistically are Hispanics. Hispanic teenage pregnancy shows that 38 girls out per 1000 girls conceive in their teenage years (The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2016).Teenage pregnancy is a growing epidemic and it is a very costly. Teenage pregnancy as a whole is important because it is imperative that the rates stay low. This may prevent many from having to go through the obstacles teenage parents endure. Through research we plan to investigate the correlation between teenage parents and the decline in their education. The investigation will focus on the difference in GPAs and dropout rates previous to conception and post-partum .To explore this research one must conduct a survey. The survey will ask questions that involve the parent’s demographics as well as their current status in school. Demographics should also include marital status of their parents, the age their parents conceived, and child hood experiences. These variables will help understand the likelihood and influences someone can have and how they conceived at this early age. Configuring dropout rates is important as well need to know how many parents have left since being pregnant. While surveying theses students it is very imperative that we

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Migration Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1146 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/09/13 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Running head: Migration Migration Pedro Pappa Mater Academy A. P Human-Geography P. 4 Abstract Politics and the government has not always been favored by everyone and that’s how some wars start by either discussing and not agreeing with each others ideas and that’s how a war starts. Though different wars are caused by different reasons and have different outcomes. Through out all of history there have been many wars and those wars are still going and wars will never stop with in humanity. Wars seem to have many effects that change the country, continent or even the world. One of the different effects that wars do is migration which is the physical movement of human-beings from one place to another. Migration cause people to immigrate and emigrate from different countries. Migration Migration can be caused because of many reasons the most common reason for which people migrate is war. Such as right now in the Middle East with the war that we are going though, many Iraqis and Afghanistan’s are fleeing their country because they want to find a better life and education for their children or people leave because they do not want to be massacred because of the war. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Migration Essay" essay for you Create order Migration is the physical movement from one location to another. So what some people migration have many reasons for it, such as religious persecutions, war, and even back in time people would migrate because of food, shelter, and water. The sad part of migration from one place to another is that the income from the country that you came from has no value or a very low value in the new country that you immigrated to. The war going on in the Middle East causes this and it is not like there are a few people that emigrate from the country but people are fleeing into other countries and those countries have to give them refuge. Two years ago the most countries that Iraqis immigrated are Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, the bad thing is that eight percent of Iraqis left to these countries and now these countries have to set up refuge for them because they are not going to back to their country. This is not the first time that many people flee from on country to another. In World War II because of the invasion from the Germans a lot of people left the country because they did not want to get involved with the war so they left. Many countries that were neutral with the war accept a few of them but when millions of people flee a country the country tends to close their borders. With these countries that are around Iraq they are going to go through a lot of trouble especially with the funding, so the United Nations has to fund extra money so they can be able to fund for these refugees. In the 1970s immigration was limited so no one could enter the country but because of that the oil prices increased and the export of oil increased and the oil caused a market from foreign neighbors. Then later on in 1991 1. million fled from Iraqis to Turkey or Iran to get away from Saddam Husseins repressing rule. Most of the refuges went to Kurd which was a location not controlled by Iraq territory but later on there was a war with Iraq against the Kurds. Later on the different countries such as Iran and Palestine started to take Iraqis in for refuge. Even though some people leave their countries for opportunities or because they seem to be forced the most known reason for why people migrate is because of the fear that scares them away. All the violence, all the riots that happen in a country that scares people to look for safety. Safety in one country seems to be why people change from their location. In Columbia there are people who are similar to terrorist in the Middle East. In Columbia the terrorist are called guerilla they terrorize the celebrities and people who have money so that they can abduct the close family members and loved ones to get their money from them. So that caused many families that had a good amount of money to leave their better income for the safety of their family and not only that but also there are drug dealers that kill people to be on the top of the chain in the drug cartel. So there are two cause factors that make a person migrate, there are terrorist and drug dealers that cause problems in one nation. So now rich Columbians who lived a good and wealthy life, wasted their wealth to keep safe in a new country with their family. Yet some people were migrated because of a forced migration, such as slaves in Africa that were brought into Europe and America. There are many people who are forced out of the country. There are many FMR(forced migration review) that show how many people are left and forced to leave their country to be in a safer country and a new country that if a family that are scared to be in Iraq would rather exile their country instead of being in country where the government is collapsing and there are riots and suicide bombings that happen everyday. All the violence that goes on in Iraq does not make it a safe place for anyone or any family to live in. The IOM (The International Organization for Migration) mission in Iraq is pleased to release the first 9 of its 18 updated Iraq Governorate Profiles on Displacement. They are finding out on how many people leave or flee the country and what their location on their country is. On how far and how many people left the country, the most countries that Iraqis left to were their neighbor countries. It is a smarter idea to leave to a country that is closer to your home country rather than go to a country that is over seas. The fact that the main reason most people leave and flee their country is because of their family to get to a better life style, a better opportunity and a safer place to live in. f a family member goes out of the country to see if that new country that her immigrated into they can see if it suited for their family. That will cause a chain migration for one person to move from one place to another and suggest for that group of people to move into that country to. Which once again goes to the fact that people have to leave their country and go into a new country and lose all of their better income of they had one in their previous coun try and change to another country where their income is either half or even less.